Friday, November 14, 2014

Oh no, it's their revenge time

Yesterday I was feeling like totally relaxing and just reading a book.  And what did I do?  I went to Rainbow :).  Let me tell you something about the taste of food when your body has not had enough calories.  Hmm, I probably should skip the graphic description as it might knock you out of  the competition.  Simply put, Rainbow looked like heaven.   I had my paws in the sample cheese big time. I bought some whole grain bread and the cheese.

At home, I decided to catch up with cooking, so that my produce won't go bad: a few more swipes of cheese, bread, and cashew butter.  Oh yes, we might be smirking; meanwhile, the Great Balancer is constantly watching every misstep we are going to make.  It lies furtively and pounces at every opportunity to add a few pounds to our existence.

So, now you know the story.  I wake up this morning a bit later than usual after sleeping about seven and a half hours.  And I am back up to 167.8!  Time to employ my jogging weapon in the war.  The plan is to go running, eat a light breakfast, and go to the gym for two 30 minute climbing sessions.  I was planning to do some 'campusing', but my hands and elbows are still not 100% from Wednesday.
No dinner again and none of that forbidden heavenly cheese snacking, Dmitriy!  Watch me!

Tip:  Don't go food shopping and cooking when you are hungry.  Go to sleep instead.

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