Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tendonitis Rehab

Recovering from the right elbow tendonitis, I have stopped most exercises except cardio, which cast me into feeling blue.  Today, I have decided to fight back with a rehab program: rest by itself is not enough to recover quickly.  To accelerate the recovery, I am starting Progressive Rehab.

During rehab, I am going to:
1. Keep up the blog daily, summarizing the previous day workout and planning for the next day.
2. (at least this week) do wrist, finger, and elbow stretches 5 times a day around 8,11,2,5,8 o'clock.  Add arm kneading and arm aid. After rehab, I am going to do those before (lightly) and after every workout/climbing session, religiously.
3. Jog every day.
4. Manage weight: no bread, no cheese, 2-3 small meals (at least 1 salad), snacking, no food after 8, go to sleep early.  Goal 160 lbs by the end of May. 1 lb/week.
5. Keep up the regular workout stretches, substituting power phase with core, hand stand training, opposing muscle ex., hip and shoulder stretches (Range Of Motion).
6. Start ARC and rope climbing on giant holds (1 time this week).
7. Apply ice 1-2 hours after workout.

Analysis: this is a general overuse episode.  This means I am pushing hard, but not smart.  From now on, I am going to do all the stretches around the workout (see above) and apply ice after every workout.  Also, after I climb hard outside, I will make sure I take at least 2-3 days of rest.

Yesterday was a stressful day, since I am trying to share the house with a neighbor.  I did not go jogging as the weather was especially windy and cold.

Today, I am going for a jog after work.  I will try to read a little, but go to bed before 10 pm.

Tomorrow,  I am going to get up at 5, stretch, and be at the gym by 6:30am.  A light ARC (5 min), stretches (including wrists), opposing muscle work, and core.  Jog in the evening.

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