Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It's all about attitude

Wake up at 2am and linger in bed till 2:30.  Finally get up and go to the bathroom to weigh myself.  The scales won't lie: 169.4, almost back to my initial weight 170.4.  Oh crap, yesterday's indulgence shows: nice salad bar at Whole Foods and nice meal at La Costañera right after it.

This is war! The enemy is attacking again.  A little planning session is on.  I am going to start running with minimal food intake to deal with this.  I look at the clock and it's 4:30!  Where did the time fly?  I throw on my snickers and run off into the night.  Amazingly there are people who are already up: a fellow jogger, a fisherman, someone driving to work.
I cautiously descend the steps to the beach.  Running on the sand burns more calories and builds core which is so important for climbing.  The Mori Point hills come up in the dark.  I brought a flashlight, but it's light enough that I don't need it.

After I come home, I am 2 pounds lighter.  I know this is mostly water, but it makes me feel better.  I gather my stuff and run off to the gym.  After a 3.5 hour workout, I feel great.  I have just climbed my first V7 ever!  Ok, it may have been a little soft.  Yet, I am one step closer to climbing Totem Pole.

Looking forward to Jodi's yoga session at Mission  Cliffs tonight.  I am feeling strong, so I will try to skip the dinner.  We shall see if the scales behave better tomorrow!

Tip: I think that having enough sleep at the correct time is tremendously important for weight management.  It's better to go to bed early and get up early rather than stay up late getting even more tired and putting oneself in more sleep debt.  I used to need 8 hours of sleep.  After I started going to bed almost as soon  as I am tired, I can get by with 5-6 hours!


  1. If you want to add a comment on this blog you have to choose Anonymous in the Comment as: menu.

  2. You should be able to post as your self too, Ron. I don't know why it's not letting you. In the "Comment as" drop down, it has my name.
